Телефонна линия в помощ на украински граждани:

+359 885 20 58 38

Работно време: 9:00 - 17:30

Working hours:

Monday - Friday : 9:00 - 17:30
Saturday - Sunday : days off


Center for administrative services: 056/ 842 872
fax: 056/ 840 481

E-mail: oabs.delovodstvo@bs.government.bg

Bulstat: 000056757

Bank accounts:

Rentals, indemnities and fees
BG86 UNCR 7630 3100 1144 24
Deposits and guarantees
BG60 UNCR 7630 3300 0002 70

Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU

Българско председателство на Съвета на Европейския съюз

Festival - traditions and crafts

Фестивал - традиции и занаяти


Corruption signals:

от 9:00 до 17:30

тел: 056/894 149

Commission on Prevention and Counteracting Corruption

Център за подпомагане на жертви на сексуално насилие "ВСЕЛЕНА"

денонощна безплатна телефонна линия: 0800 18 017

Alerts for Disasters and Accidents:

from 17:30 until 9:00
tel.: 056/ 840 487

Alerts for irregularities on sea beaches:

tel.: 02/ 904 68 33


Contact us




General Information

Burgas Region provides 5.22 % of the GDP of the country under following transport and market infrastructure:

-         Port of Burgas, Oil Harbour and Fish Port, Ports of Sozopol, Nessebar and Tsarevo;

-         Burgas Airport, incl. Cargo Terminal;

-         Enlarged Railway Stations in Burgas and Karnobat;

-         Large-scale motor transport companies in Burgas and Karnobat;

-         Large warehouse areas – open-air and in premises – located mainly in the Port area and near to the Highway Burgas – Karnobat;

-         Burgas Free Zone.


Industry with its multi-branchy specificity is a leading sector in the economic structure of Burgas. Included are most branches excepting vehicle construction, low- and high-voltage installations and partially electronics. Some of the productions are unique or determinant for the country as for example: dark and light oil-products, chemical fibres, plastics and other chemistry products; shipbuilding, airconditioning and waste-treatment plants, goods waggon-building, fish-processing industry etc.

Following industrial branches are of determinant structural importance:

-         Petrochemical/oilrefining industry – provides 70 % of the industrial production scope;

-         Food industry and wine production – 12,2 %;

-         Electric and heating power production – 3,6 %;

-         Textile industry – 2,4 %

Burgas Region is highly industrialized. Tourism, agriculture and transport complement the image of the Region.

Crafts – Traditional products

-         Plastic packings;

-         Store clothes;

-         Confectionery products;

-         Sleepwear;

-         Furniture

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