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In the area of Burgas region happen over 40  % of the mass tourism in the country. The region is visited by the greater part of foreign and domestic tourists. It has a common border with Republic of Turkey, which is an important factor in international tourism.

Burgas region covers the attractive parts of Eastern Stara planina mountain, the northern mountain-spurs of Strandja, Nature Park “Strandja”, eastern parts of upper Thracian lowland, Burgas lowland etc. It includes the South Blacksea coast on the east, which is most attractive for tourism development.

The Region offers a combination of sea-side recreation tourism, route-cognitive, rural, cultural tourism and ecotourism in an area with an extraordinary variety of natural and anthropogenic tourist resources.

The geographical location of the region is exceptionally favourable and the transport provision to the main tourist objects of the region is fully covered by the international airport, harbours, rail-way station and road access.

The climatic conditions of the Region are determined by its geographical location. In its area several climate influences are combined but the transcontinental climate is mostly marked. The influence of the Black sea and the Mediterranian lands is obvious. The town of Malko Tarnovo is known as a climate health resort of national significance since 1967. All towns and villages on the Black Sea coast are very favourable for climate healing and marinotherapy.

St. Vlas is a small health resort town nestled down at the eastern foot of the mountain Stara planina close to the beach. The coast of St. Vlas is developing as the most picturesque Black sea resort of Bulgaria entirely facing to the South, a kind of Bulgarian Riviera beginning with the sea resort Sunny beach including the settlement itself, the holiday complex “Elenite” and ending in Emona cape. The sunny days here are once to twice more time than on the Northern Black sea coast. Air currents between the sea and the mountain gorge determine a remarkable nature phenomenon and clean the air of dust and any other irritants. The natural aerosol of the sea combined with crystal clear fresh air of the mountain is a nature reality with powerful healing effect on bronchial asthma and other chronic diseases of the lungs.

Black sea waters are low salted, the temperatures allow sea-baths from April till November, which makes the Southern Black sea coast exclusively attractive.

The mineral springs near to Burgas around which balneo-healing resorts are built like Burgas Mineral Baths are an important resource for tourism in the region. This balneological resort is situated in the neighbourhood of the Banevo Village with a capacity of 36 l/sec. and temperature 410˚C. It is recommended for bones and joints diseases, neurological, gynecological diseases, thrombophlebitis and other. The healing mud of the Atanassovsko Lake is also used. Balneoturism is developing in the town of Pomorie as well. A necessary material and technical foundation & equipment has been built including public health stations, holiday houses and swimming pools.


Near to the Pomoriysko Lake has been built the first Museum of Salt in Eastern Europe. In the southern part of the lake they are extracting healing mud for the sanatoriums in the town and the northern part is used for traditional salt-production which is over 2000 years old.  The lake is a preserved area since 2001, important for the ornithology of national significance, a Ramsar site since 2002 – proclaimed due to its unique character, one of the both lagoons in the Black sea area transformed to salt-works. Here are found some of the Bulgarian Red Book species such as tatar milkweed, sea wormwood. The major value is the ornithological wealth. The lake receives the first autumn birds of passages through Via Pontica and from the dikes the pelicans and storks can be observed flying over the sea. Pomoriysko Lake is a good example of a combination of traditional human activities such as salt-production and mud-extraction with a rich biodiversity.


Burgas is surrounded by three lakes which differ from each other in their character – Atanassovsko, Vaya and Mandra. Together with the Pomoriysko lake they form the largest complex of natural wetlands in our country with a common area of 9500 ha. Solely here in Bulgaria and the Black sea basin the traditional salt-works are preserved – these of the lakes Atanassovsko and Pomoriysko. In the lakes 340 have been found of all 400 bird species, which are described for the country. For their unique character the four lakes are proclaimed to be Ramsar sites and the wealth of bird species determines them as ornitologically important areas.


This unique combination of sea, lakes, mountain and rivers, exotic vegetation and variety of animal and plant species together with the traditions and the authentic culture provides diverse opportunities for tourism development.


Very attractive are the beaches on the Southern Black sea-shore, the cliffs and bays. In the Region is located the largest Black sea bay – Burgas bay and great number of small secluded bays on the coast – Sozopol bay, Kavatsite bay, St. Paraskeva bay, Zigra bay, Stamopolu bay, Dyavolski bay etc.


The direct touch on beautiful lands, crossed by ancient roads and set with ruins of castles and convents enables a very good level development of the culture tourism and ecoturism in Burgas region. Some objects such as prehistoric settlement hills, Thracian vaults and tombstones and archeological finds from Roman and Byzantine time are resources for developing this kind of turism.


The Region offers an unusual combination of mass sea tourism and alternative kinds of tourism in an area with exceptional biological diversity. The Bulgarian investors are mainly concentrated on the Black sea side-shore as far as small business is concerned as well as the big business looking for new possibilities. A specific tourist practice is to go boating up and down the river Ropotamo, river Veleka and Vaya lake.


The Black sea municipalities have the greatest potential for developing of tourism, therefore the specialized tourist infrastructure built to serve & cater for the visitors is concentrated especially in their areas.


Places and means for accommodation in the region are located mainly in the Black sea coast area – in the resort complexes Sunny Beach, Elenite, Dyuni, International Youth Center Primorsko, holiday village Lozenets, campings South, Oasis, Arapya, Nestinarka, Delfin, Koral and Kavatsite.

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