Телефонна линия в помощ на украински граждани:

+359 885 20 58 38

+359 885 80 90 40

Работно време: 9:00 - 17:30

Working hours:

Monday - Friday : 9:00 - 17:30
Saturday - Sunday : days off


Center for administrative services: 056/ 842 872
fax: 056/ 840 481

E-mail: oabs.delovodstvo@bs.government.bg

Bulstat: 000056757

Bank accounts:

Rentals, indemnities and fees
BG86 UNCR 7630 3100 1144 24
Deposits and guarantees
BG60 UNCR 7630 3300 0002 70

Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU

Българско председателство на Съвета на Европейския съюз

Festival - traditions and crafts

Фестивал - традиции и занаяти


Corruption signals:

от 9:00 до 17:30

тел: 056/894 149

Commission on Prevention and Counteracting Corruption

Център за подпомагане на жертви на сексуално насилие "ВСЕЛЕНА"

денонощна безплатна телефонна линия: 0800 18 017

Alerts for Disasters and Accidents:

from 17:30 until 9:00
tel.: 056/ 840 487

Alerts for irregularities on sea beaches:

tel.: 02/ 904 68 33


Contact us




The Region of Burgas includes exceptionally various features of nature, valuable archeological riches, historical records and monuments of material culture. It has bioclimatic and balneocurative resourses, forests, beaches and sand dunes for recreational activity development. Here are four of the internationally significant nature preserves – Uzunbodjak, Silkosiya, Ropotam
o and Atanasovsko Lake. Among the nature sights is also the Alepu bay. Protected areas are the Veleka River outfall, Vaya Lake and Poda being birds observation points. In the region are
 situated the architecture preserve – Brashlyan Village  and the folklore preserve – Balgari Village. 

Burgas Region is known by its rich heritage of history and culture. In the ancient ages four main centers of economy, policy and culture had a prosperous development here located on the seacoast – Messembriya, Anhialo, Deultum and Apolloniya. The thousand-year old human culture has left priceless architectural monuments behind: excavations of ancient towns, Thracian sanctuaries and tombs, dolmens, unique monuments of culture – churches and monasteries. 

Exceptionally rich is the folklore of the Strandja corners with rites and customs. In the villages Balgari, Brodilovo and Kosti the pagan ritual of sacrificial women fire-dance is preserved, who were begging absolution, burning gold in the fire, dancing over fiery glowing embers with a high raised icons of the saints Konstantin and Elena.

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